SPRING 2025 ORIENTATION is just ahead for on-campus undergraduate and graduate students! Look over the things you need to know before arriving. After that, check out the Orientation Events below. We can't wait to see you on campus!

Before You Arrive

First-year undergraduates have never attended a college or university full-time, although some may have taken college courses or earned advanced placement credit while in high school
Transfer undergraduates have attended another college or university full-time for one semester or more.
Graduate students have completed a university degree and are entering one of the University's graduate or doctoral programs.

International students arrive at Andrews University from nearly 100 countries around the world–some as undergraduate first-year or transfer students and others as graduate students.

You should arrive on Sunday, January 12.
FIRST STOP serves as the welcome and check-in center for new students. You’ll be greeted by our helpful staff, treated to a warm beverage and snacks, and assisted with completing any unfinished registration steps.
FIRST STOP is located on all three floors of the Administration Building at the center of campus. It will be open on Sunday, January 12, from 12:00–5:00 p.m.

The following offices in the Administration Building will be open and ready to assist new students:

  • First Floor: Student Financial Services | Undergraduate Enrollment and Admissions
  • Second Floor: Academic Records (and ID Cards) | Student Insurance | Student Employment
  • Third Floor: Graduate Enrollment and Admissions | Center for International Student Services

In addition, undergraduate students who have questions about Academic Advising can find help in the Office of Undergraduate Education, Nethery Hall 100 during the FIRST STOP hours.

If you haven’t received financial clearance before arriving, you will need to see our Student Financial Services staff located on the first floor of the Administration Building from 12–5 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE: Students must be financially cleared before moving into the residence halls.

If you are financially cleared, you may move into a residence hall on Sunday, January 12, between 12:00-5:00 p.m.

REMEMBER: Students must be financially cleared before moving into the residence halls.

The official move-in date is Sunday, January 12, from 12:00-5:00 p.m. Should your travel schedule require you to arrive before this time, please contact the Residence Life Housing office at rhhousing@electronic-fittings.com.

REMEMBER: Students must be financially cleared before moving into the residence halls.

Orientation Events—Spring 2025

International Student Orientation

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Lincoln Room, Campus Center - 2nd floor

Description: This session is required of all new international students. Breakfast is provided. Please plan to attend, as it is required by law. 

First Stop

Time: 12:00–5:00 p.m.
Location: Administration Building
Description: We can produce your ID Card, check the status of your Registration, assist you with unfinished financial business, and much more.

Residence Hall Move-In

Time: 12:00–5:00 p.m.
Location: Residence Halls

Welcome Dinner & Orientation

Time: 5:30–7:00 p.m.
Location: Lincoln Room, Campus Center - 2nd floor
Description: New students and their families are invited to join us for dinner, catered by our very own Bon Appétit dining services. New students will receive importatnt information and a copy of the Andrews University Study Bible.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive an Andrews ID card when you come to campus. Please note that you must be financially cleared for it to be activated. 

You can purchase a great selection of books, supplies and University merchandise at the Bookstore. For textbooks, check out the Bookstore's First Day® Complete program, a cost-effective, all-in-one solution that guarantees you'll be ready for the first day of class!

Meals in the Terrace Cafe are on a fixed price, all-you-care-to-eat basis. Your Andrews ID card and meal plan will work at the cashier if you are financially cleared. Otherwise, be prepared to pay with a credit or debit card. Cash is not accepted.

Please note: For dietary accommodations, please contact the main office 269-471-3161 to speak with the executive chef directly and set up a meeting to discuss your specific situation.

Yes, all students are allowed to have a vehicle on campus. To register your vehicle, go to our Vehicles & Parking webpage.

All students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to receive one of the available COVID-19 vaccinations or boosters. 

Vaccination is the best opportunity we have to stop the spread of the virus and reduce the likelihood of additional variants that could place all persons at risk.

Please note: Masking, social distancing, and vaccination guidelines are subject to change based on local, state and national conditions and recommendations. Currently, no mandates are in place. Students should maintain good hygiene practices (hand-washing, surface sanitizing, staying home when sick) at all times.

Andrews University makes necessary accommodations for students with disabilities, both learning and physical. Students requesting support from the Student Success Center should provide written documentation from a qualified professional as early as possible.

For more information, please visit the Center for Intensive English Programs (CIEP) website.

Through AU Alert, Andrews will send emergency notification alerts to the campus. During emergencies and weather closings, text messages, emails and voice calls will be sent to registered recipients. Be informed and register online